Lunchly is a brand eleased by 3 popular influencers known as Mrbeast, Ksi, Logan Paul. They claimed it was healthy for kids but the snacks were in high sugar levels and had lots of fat, the crackers are whole grain but it had a high level of sodium in it, and the cheese in the box had too much fat. One of the influencers that made it got into an argument with an another influencer called DanTDM. First DanTDM posted a tweet that disacknowledges the product, then Ksi gets mad at him and just kept sending hateful tweets. And Ksi uploaded a song called "Thick of it", people on the internet said that it was a bad song and after all the hate he uploaded an another song called "Low" and the people that hated his previous song started to like the dong called "Low". Lunchly, the product was reviewed by the Youtuber called Rosanna Pansino and she found mold in the Lunchly boxes cheese. It got so much hate that people started to joke on it a lot.
John: Hey Matt! Have you heard of Lunchly?
Matt: The product that is the rival of Lunchables?
John: Yeah! And a Youtuber called Rosanna Pansino reviewed it and it had mold in the cheese!
Matt: Oh! That's terrible! Hope someone doesn't get poisened by it.
John: Yeah, i hope so!