Yet another way to get a page up on the internet for free. People visit their own blog every minute to check for activity.
Blogger: I check my blog's hit counter every minute
Standard person: Uhuh and how many visits to your blog?
Blogger: OMG WTF 1440 hits today!!!! w00t!!
Standard person: 60*24 = 1440
Blogger signed off at 4:56 PM
14π 27π
Yet another way to get a page up on the internet for free. People visit their own blog every minute to check for activity.
Blogger: I check my blog's hit counter every minute
Standard person: Uhuh and how many visits to your blog?
Blogger: OMG WTF 1440 hits today!!!! w00t!!
Standard person: 60*24 = 1440
Blogger signed off at 4:56 PM
5π 25π
To be half Jamaican and half Asian.
I'm half Jamaican and half Chinese, Jamasian.
40π 10π
keeps things healthy
stand up for your rights!
what we need
242π 85π
A new car company that makes really ugly cars that resemble lowered minivans. People who drive these think they are cool and unique but are really just lame.
Person A: Hey did you get a new minivan?
Person B: No dude, that's my new Scion. Isn't it cool?
Person A: Uh, if you say so.
78π 104π
for one thing katopolis square enix is far from being bankrupt and final fantasy is by far a better series in all aspects. i wiold know i make a living playing games
chrono cross is not as good as the final fantasy series but it is not bad in general
9π 67π
A word derived from imature. There was a kru called the imy kru with graffiti all over the place.
IMY has a kool krib and lots of hos
86π 793π