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1. Someone who hates Justin Bieber but talks about him all the time.
2. Says all your music sucks and he listens to only "good" music.
3. Bass Guitar is suppprreeemmmeelllyyyy important, nothing else matters, GRATS
4. Likes to complain all the time!
5. Says their dad wants to string them by their balls on a doorframe... lol
6. Steals your cookies and reads your texts... DIE IN HELL
7. Doesnt like any special effects in movies-likes black and white silent films...
8. He is OBVIOUSLY (not) always right. Argues even when he's wrong, and cuts you off when you are talking all the time.

Dont be a becker, brah!
"I dont like Avatar, the special effects were terrible." -Becker
"Dude, no one like you, you know that right, Becker?"
"Justin Bieber has no balls" -Becker
"I liked 300 man, that was a good-" yangsta334; the reply by Becker-" Hello no dude, that movie sucked balls, i hated that movie, the special effects were terrible." "ok..." yangsta334

by r0ck0n4ever December 8, 2010

6👍 23👎