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A servant to more popular kids in schools mostly, but also sometimes found in the workplace.

Toady has been around forever man.

Tell one of the toadies to bring me a beer!
Fuckin toadies, hook my up with some change.

by raecerex May 7, 2004

125👍 177👎


slang term for something extreme. Used in bad and good cases.

Originated from the word gnarled.

That was a fucking gnarly wreck man, that dudes head flew off.

Did you see that new Local Motion board? It is gnarly.

by raecerex May 7, 2004

1654👍 597👎


Origin from Hemmoroid.

Lazyness creates all words in one way or another...

Your a hemmie holdin' half a sissy!
Beat it hemmie.

by raecerex May 7, 2004

18👍 8👎


A hermaphrodite. Or a gender of either species that is just balled up beyond sexuality.

Did you see the hermaph at the pool?

by raecerex May 7, 2004

8👍 5👎