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Drunk at Uni Day.
~ What is it
A day (usually Friday) where you gather all your mates & head to some epic off- campus location like the foreshore or a park and drink the day away.
Drinking games are a must, and can include funnels/sculling contests.
~When is it?
Usually starting in the morning, going through the evening where the party continues, and everyone is pretty drunk so you can hit the town after.
The hardcore commit in the morning, and others join throughout the day after their classes finish.
~What alcohol do you drink?
We're students, so we're talking about maximising standard drinks for cost efficiency aka the cheapest alcohol you can buy aka the type that usually gives you the worst hangover
We're talking gooners (australian slang for cheap casket wine), cheap bear ( for the australians out there, XXXX or VB is a must) & cheap spirits.
~Who can commit?
Anyone who wants too. DUD's are about bonding over alcohol and the important role it has in life and growing up.
As long as you drink and commit, that's all we need and want.

Sean: Oi guys, we're organising a DUD this Friday, commit hard.
Raj: Can't mate, gotta test in the morning.
Sean: Come after, and just play catchups.
Raj: Epic, yeah I'll come after and drink my sorrows away
Mike: Bring ya gooner that I left at yours, its still like half full.
Raj: Sounds good, it'll be perfect for the funnel you left at mine
Gillmahr: Party at mine after boys, we'll keep the bevs flowing. Got work the next morning but time with the bros is worth the hangover.
~Oak Crew Rep~

by rajalot May 28, 2014

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