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National rape day

National rape day is fake. Some social rejects think it's funny. If you are going to participate in this sh!t I will say it nicely...KYS! If April 24th is now national rape day I say we make April 25th national day of cutting their pps off. ✄╰U╯. Yall disgust me every day. If you think this is okay but you still think being gay is not, well guess what YOU ARE BURNING IN HELL. To all my ladies out there, stay safe! There are actually s!ck b@st@rds out there that find it funny and are going to participate.

Random social reject: Today is National rape day! This is going to be fun!
Me: Eat glass! I hope you have a great time burning in hell!
Random social reject: Chill it's just a joke
Me: k, cry about it✄╰U╯

by randomqueerkid April 20, 2021

31👍 11👎