a glamorous girl, amazingly cute, with high class and extremely fashionable taste. She is friendly, joyous, fun, and a delight to be around. She is admired and looked up to among her peers. She likes to party and is true to her friends and her lover. In fact, she only becomes hurt when she is betrayed or saddened by her friends, family or lovers. She has a strong desire to help others. She is skillful and is the best at the sport or talent she chooses. Unfortunately, girls like Madelyn attract a few players and a few stalkers.She forgives easy and is selective with who she loves. She refuses to love or say she loves unless she is certain it is real. She ends up with the most amazing man among her friends because she is selective when she chooses. She will go far in life because she has irresistible charm. In the end, everyone wants a Madelyn. Madelyn's are priceless and near perfect.
Who is that girl? Man, she's beautiful and I must say chic has some class! Oh that's Madelyn, dude you would be lucky to get her. She's picky but when she chooses she stays with the guy.
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