When a woman takes the skin of a dead rat and rubs it on a man's penis before giving him a blow job.
I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Vinson, but that ratslimer paralyzed your husband to the point of death. I suggest you say your goodbyes now.
When a black man with a big fat sausage dangling from between his legs bends over a 4 foot 6 midget and farts in their mouth, causing a catastrophic chain of events leading to the fall of the Russian empire and the third World War.
Darn! If that medical pen explaggot never happened we wouldn't be in this mess! Quick! Give me a rat slimer!
When a man wearing the inside of his deceased grandmother's vagina as a hat fingerfucks Goofy Shithole's half-cousin's pet turtle. He then sucks off the turtle and cooks him in Cheeto dust to make a Big stinky. The man then castrates himself with a boxcutter and places the nutsack into the pan, therefore creating a Big stinky nutsack.
Bitch make me a big stinky nutsack. I wanna eat it. Please?
When a bearded man wearing a bag of lettuce as a hat ejaculates into a glass bottle and into it he adds one teaspoon of gluten free chocolate syrup, a pinch of salt, and 5 milligrams of his own feces. He then murders his own grandmother and adds a pint of her blood into the mix, stirs it, and forces the mix into a woman's anus.
I made a Kentucky Mix last night and I had a blast!
When a person with high ADHD attempts to masturbate but cannot due to them having the Toreador March stuck in their head.
Last night I couldn't blow my load because I was not ready for freddy.
To perform a Washington Herpes Bowl, first find someone who has herpes. Then peel off some of their skin and put it in a bowl. Proceed to shit, piss, cum, spit, and add a drop of your own blood to the bowl, then drink it and puke it back into the bowl. Find dog feces and use a shower cap to pick it up. Wear the shower cap on your head, host a house party and share the Washington Herpes Bowl with everyone there!
They had a Washington Herpes Bowl at grandpa's funeral yesterday. Reminded me of him.
When a well endowed black woman with a saggy coochie lowers it like a crane into the blades of a lawnmower
It's hanging too low! Quick, perform a gronkitis!