Source Code

Heavenly Sword

When a pedofile priest is in confession with a favourite altar boy, he masturbates until he's ready to launch his load, busts through the lattice seperation and proceeds to douse the boy with his holy water.

Timmy sat in his confessional, pouring out his sins when suddenly Father Mike burst into his booth and cleansed Timmy's soul with his Heavenly Sword.

by rebel13459 September 18, 2007

6👍 14👎

Cover Girl

Where ones female fried is putting on make up, you offer to put on their mascara but when they close their eyes you jizz in their face. Asking them to sit on a bed or a chair will also help moving their face close to your rock hard yogurt cannon. Requires pre-masturbation which can usually be done in a nearby washroom.

Ryan offered Christa to help put on her mascara but little did she know he had just came out of the bathroom and was ready to make her a Cover Girl.

by rebel13459 September 18, 2007

18👍 50👎

Scalely Delight

When having sex with a fish through it's gill slits

Jack's skinny dip turned for the better when he impaled a fish and began to recieve a scalely delight.

by rebel13459 September 18, 2007

6👍 3👎

Fried Chicken Fiesta

When you rub your testicles with grease from fried chicken and proceed to teabag an unsuspecting black man.

After a brief stop at KFC, Will greased up his gonads and celebrated a Fried Chicken Fiesta with his good buddy Maurice.

by rebel13459 September 18, 2007

9👍 4👎