The most stupid, unintelligent creature on the face of the earth capable of climbing into it's own anus. This "animal"'s stupidity is so strong that the basis of negative intelligence can spawn random anti-matter and cause illiteracy in inatimate objects and or damage. Puppies usually live in anus' such as their own or other puppies or people. In the United States and many countries it is illegal to own or sell puppies. A puppy's eyes radiate the most powerful stupidity levels, passing a quick glance will cause immediate and irreversible intelligence loss. Puppies must have their eyes covered by a small cloth at all times, this will also prevent excitement that may cause it's anus to explode. Puppies are known to give off radiation.
Despite common believe, dogs are never to be confused with puppies. When a puppy grows, it simply becomes a larger puppy, when a dog grows it becomes a large dog.
That man has a puppy! Open fire!
He's got puppies strapped onto him, (Suicide puppy bomber) retreat.
Soldier, do not let that small sheet lift from that things eyes, it's anus will fucking explode.
This man appears to have been within 20,000 miles of a puppy, he's a fucking moron!
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