Source Code

Anal Driver

To show your displeasure at somebody who drives too close to your rear by labelling them an 'anal driver'.

Used by any douche nozzle who is in the slightest proud of their dangerous style of driving.

1: "Uh-oh. We have an anal driver. He's probably fulfilling his ambition of fucking another dude up the ass by getting close in his penis extension Porsche"
2: "Word"

1: "Hey, baby. Watch me anally drive this inferior human in front. I'm so hard right now... for speed!"

by redlineonhill February 23, 2008

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The internet fascination with ninjas. One of those fads that was very funny when sites like realultimatepower first came out, the ninja phenomenon quickly spiralled out of control.

Like telling somebody it's funny to stick your finger up a cow's anus just to see if they'll do it, ninjorgies on the internet are far more easier to partake in. The person doesn't have to buy wellies; doesn't have to trespass on a farm; doesn't have to get a smelly finger; all that is required is they forfeit their dignity.

The power of ninjorgies was so much so that people started to believe mentioning a ninja alone counted as comedy.

The Ninjorgy went on for an entire week, each person contributing further to the demise of the ninja legend.

"I'm a ninja!"

"You're a fucking douche who can't think of anything original to say to other douches on the internet."

by redlineonhill February 25, 2008

Name Drain

When a person continuously name-drops somebody who they admire, more often than not a person who isn't famous, merely a nobody who has gained cult status in one person's eyes.

1: "Yeah, I have a friend called Tom. He's quite awesome."
2: "Okay."
1: "He once drank, like, 16 beers in one night"
2: "Sweet. You been on YouTube lately?"
1: "Yeah! Tom has an account on there, he's got loads of dope material"
2: "Right... you want to go play football?"
1: "Yeah. Let me call Tom, see if he wants to come"
2: "I was thinking just a quick game"
1: "Dude! Tom loves quick games!"
2: "AHHH! Name Drain! Why don't you just go and suck Tom off?"

by redlineonhill February 13, 2008

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A stupid woman that harbours feminist views. Generally found to be upset because they've been upstaged by somebody of the opposite sex.

Can't help themselves from droning into long rants about womens rights, the importance of equality, etc.

Usually stupid because they don't even know what they are talking about, just relaying something that they might possibly have heard Rosie O'Donnell say.

Alternatively, stupid because they think people actually care. Recognise that they're perhaps not cut out for some stations in life, but will still jump on the ethical bandwagon and shout their views from the rooftops.

1: "Did you see that awesome scene at the start of the Boondock Saints where he nails the feminist bull dyke? It's hellza insane."
2: "Awww, I'd love to see that!"
Duhyke: "I think you'll find that women's rights are of grand importance. In the early 18th Century..."
2 - *Crack*
1: "Nice shot."
2: "Thanks.

by redlineonhill February 14, 2008

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A foreign person that invades places on the internet where the majority of the membership speak a different language.

The conquistacunt is a hostile breed that wants to demonstrate their displeasure over something to do with another country that may have affected their country. The politics will quickly subside, making way for opinions about how their race is superior.

sexyboitalian196: fouk u all english wankers. italia will rize down and kik you're asses!! u lost in iraqn hahaha!...ha!"

NintendoAddict: Excuse me, but what does an Italian invasion in the making have to do with Super Mario Galaxy? I also don't give a shit about Iraq when I'm playing computer games.

sexyboitalian196: fuk u nintendo faggit becuz me penis is huger than urs. italiano men or gods u are fat hahaha!

MarioLover: I'll contact a mod. They'll ban this conquistacunt.

by redlineonhill February 23, 2008

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Deeming one's own culture to be superior to that of others.

Not quite extreme to the point of fascism, cultirism often involves the more petty aspects of patriotism.

1: "Dude, soccer sucks. Where's the high scores?"
2: "No, American football sucks. You wear protection. Girl sport."

Jacques Chirac displayed his culturism by speaking of his dislike for English cuisine. He then displayed his French penis for the chef that tried to serve him fish and chips.

by redlineonhill April 23, 2008

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Somebody who lives for the weekend. They show an inexplicable desire to go out and waste an entire week's wage over the course of the weekend.

Will more often than not boast about it to their friends.

1: "I got totally wasted!"
2: "Okay. Do you want to go out and get something to eat?"
1: "I can't. I spent all my money getting wasted!"
2: "How will you survive for the rest of the week?"
1: "Who cares? Friday will be here in no time. I'm gonna get wasted! Partyyyy!"
2: "Scrap this. I can't continue to be friends with a weekendolt."

by redlineonhill February 26, 2008