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New Wave

Incest is, and always has been, a very controversial subject. Lately though, it has now been thought of as the New Wave. Feel free to hop onto the bandwagon, however the New Wave is outlawed in many of the fifty states.

Person 1:'Did you see the two-piece our cousin was wearing at the water park?'
Person 2: 'Yeah, I think I may need to hop on the New Wave.'

by redonioncurry June 24, 2018

35👍 13👎

Reverse Ethnostate

A concept created by the satirical YouTuber JReg, the reverse ethnostate is a combination of alt right and far left ideologies. It is the ultimate goal of the political ideology known as Race Accelerationism. Race Accelerationism is the acceptance that “we’ll all just be beige by the year 3000 anyway.” The Reverse Ethnostate will not only promote diversity, but enforce it via an authoritarian regime. A state that follows this model will be slightly more advanced, because people will have to find new ways to hate others, and cannot solely base their hatred on the pigment of others’ skin cells.

Person One: “Hey, I heard you were going to that one country above Egypt and next to the Mediterranean.”
Person Two: “Nah, I actually was going to a REVERSE ethnostate. I’m thinking of taking the family to (insert country name here).”

by redonioncurry February 13, 2020

61👍 3👎