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Cockney Rhyming Slang

A dialect replacing numerous words with phrases that rhyme with the desired outcome, e.g. Dog and Bone = Phone, Trouble and Strife = Wife, Horse and Carriage = Marrage.
Stems from an area in London.
See Also: rhyming slang

Anyway, I was going off to my Pope in Rome, when the old Trouble and Strife's only gone and left the Horse and Carriage and Cat and Mouse and left me a message next to the Dog and Bone on an Alexander the Great up the Apples and Pairs. She's gone of with another fella with a lot of Poppy Red. Made me so Hit List, you know? So I gos and gets meself a Pigs Ear. Not bothered really, just she dragged her huge Kingdom Come off with my Sue Rider!

by regs_ October 28, 2004

188πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


A recently discovered planetoid outside Pluto in our solar system.

What do you know, I can see Setna, or is it a smuge on my telescope lense?

by regs_ October 28, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Coca Cola

A soft drink that seems to have conquered the world, originally used as a toilet cleaner and, apparently, a headache cure. Name derives from the fact it originally contained a form of cocaine, and may very well still do.

"... And a cola."
"Sorry, no cola. Only pepsi."
"Only pepsi. Will that do?"
"No, of course not, damn it! Get me a cola!"
"But there-"
"Get. Me. A. Cola."
"... Yes sir."

by regs_ June 3, 2005

499πŸ‘ 307πŸ‘Ž


a. Use to describe a person who lives in/originates from the country of France, in Europe.
b. Use to describe any object which originates from the country of France, in Europe.
c. The official language of France.
d. All Greek to me.
e. Not Italian. At all. Whatsoever.

Et that is in Pari? Oui?
Pari? No, No. The other place (implicit: Rome).

by regs_ October 28, 2004

84πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž

Don't Panic

The single most logical phrase in the entire galaxy. Coined by Douglas Adams it is found in large friendly letters on the front of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

My house as been struck by lightning WITH ME FIXING THE ARIEL for the THIRD time in a row, and my boss has just fired me from my job with brilliant prospects because I had to come in wearing bandages and with crazy sticking-up hair, and your telling me NOT TO PANIC?

by regs_ October 28, 2004

118πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Stands for 'Display Picture'. Used in chat programmes- generally IMs such as MSN.

"Like your d/p."
"Yeah, I thought about going with tights, but stockings were cheaper."

by regs_ February 20, 2005

22πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Floppy Disk

1: The English form of the German diskette.
2.An archaic storage medium. It stores computerised data magnetically, and the common 3 1/2 inch disk can store 1.44 Megabytes of information (AKA practically nothing). The even older 5 1/4 inch disk is (thankfully) no longer heard of.
They are subject to extreme amounts of murphy's law as they will always be full when needed, will always require formatting when it contains the only copy of any important document/christmas card list.

Hello floppy disk, bye bye sanity.

by regs_ October 28, 2004

47πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž