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Main Line


The main line is def. the best place in the world. it is soooo much fun and everybody here is rich. our parents get us watever we want and my house is on 6 acres and every ones house is a comeplete mansion. about 80% of the houses here are 7000sf++ and the stupid outcast houses really are dumb and should be replaced right away. we have the 3rd biggest mall in the world or sumethin and it is so expensive. something that stupid city dumbshits caouldnt afford. the houses are all over like 1 million dollars and there are awesome restaurants. the country clubs are awesome. everything about this place is beast. nobody id rich eneough to live here exept for the cooler people like us.i have 3 houses at the shore and 2 apartments in nyc which we rent out when we are not there.

by remiszewski August 21, 2008

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