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Kai zmogus kuri pazysti is tolo, bet nepazysti.
- Gxvrnxr

zie peckimonas ein

by resolvance March 14, 2020


Larvinas - lopas, nevykelis.

Tas asmuo larvinas yra gejus.

by resolvance October 18, 2020


at the worlds end giving up, but not giving up, finding peace with one self if I may say.
Resolvance - Resolving your problems, finding peace in a way that doesn't afflict anyone or your dreary past

resolvance achieved by a wise man

by resolvance April 30, 2021

labinimas a.k.a. laba


labinimas a.k.a. laba
-K "Darei laba snd?
-J "Jo"
Galima naudoti, jei esi discord pokalbyje su mergaitemis.

by resolvance October 18, 2020