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When you are Cherokee and black and go to a jewish school.... AWKS to the max!

Sam: oh man that is one kinky girl i can tell.
Reub: nah mang she's just cinky.

by reubenco May 10, 2012

12👍 23👎


Somebody who will only use Google, including their less prominent services.

Steve's such a googlephile, he always uses Google Docs and Google Video instead of Microsoft Word and Youtube.

by reubenco October 16, 2009

3👍 5👎


A person who frequently wears skinny-jeans and participates in the "yuppie" culture that skinny-jeans represent. Term originates from skinny-jeans cutting off circulation in ankles, thus resulting in blue feet.

Steve got a job at this yuppie company and everybody at his new office is a bluefoot.

by reubenco November 23, 2009

7👍 54👎