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Near Device

Multimedia tools, gadgets and toys that approach an integrated solution, but ultimately settle for the pillars of the country America has become: Coolness and Profitability.

For better or worse, the iPhone's research and development (R&D) was driven by the questions: Can this sell and how can we sell as many as possible? This is a Near Device.

Near Devices like my awesome diNovo Mini, which gives me just what i need in terms of portability and function to control my HTPC's (Home Theater Personal Computer) but won't allow me to control my stereos or TV's. Devices like my GPS unit that only wants to do GPS. Not music and DVD's as well.

by rezinagro January 7, 2009

4👍 3👎

Facebook Engaged

Replacing your profile pic with one of you and your spouse at the same time as them just before linking relationship statuses. Thus two circles of friends are informed and sent a pair (2) of pictures of the happy couple!

"Did you see Alvin got Facebook Engaged ?"

"Yeah, his profile said he's now in a relationship with Linda and there were two pictures of them together."

"Man, we better start planning his bachelor party!"

by rezinagro January 23, 2009

20👍 11👎