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a school that thinks its better than USC, when the students do not want to admit that their school and their student body sucks big balls. It takes 6 years to graduate to from this shitty pathetic school, therefore making it more expensive than the better down on Jefferson and Figueroa, also known as University of Southern California. The sports teams blows, the classes teach you nothing and the degree is made out of used toilet paper, probably wiped from my asshole. Please ignore the following definitions below this post as they are all written by disillusioned UCLA alumni, who currently make up the majority of the American unemployment. There is a reason why USC is excelling in academics and athletics while UCLA is degrades its shitty self back into the stone age. You're a bRuin for 6 years or never since you might flunk out, but you are a Trojan for life!

Rick Neuheisel

Tommy Trojan the Pussy magnet: Hey you are a Biology major and graduating this year right?

Bobby Bruin the Fuckface: No, Tommy, like the rest of bRuin nation i cant handle the tough academics and now wont graduate until i turn 29.

Tommy trojan the Pussy magnet: Oh UCLA, such a sham

Bobby Bruin the fuckface: Seriously , should have the greatest university in the universe, University of Southern California

by rickneuheisel April 16, 2010

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