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High School

Ironically, a place you go to lose your mind, not gain knowledge.

Nothing in the high schools ever work properly. The air conditioning only works during the coldest times of the year, and the heater only works in the hottest times of the year. You'd think the money that you use to pay for that crappy, overpriced food would solve this problem, but it really does jack shit.

For school lunch, you basically pay almost $3.00 to get two chicken nuggets the size of your pinky that taste stale, a carton of milk the size of your palm and are forced to pay for an Apple that isn't even edible because of how rotten it is, or alternatively, you can pay for some mixed fruit in a cup, that the immature jackasses at your table will just throw around anyway. These same people will also fly in like vultures and basically eat the majority of your food, leaving you with about 1 chicken nugget and half a carlton of milk for lunch. The only reason people even pay for this shit food is because they had nothing for breakfast. This is mainly because you don't get enough time in the morning to eat anything more than a Honey Bun or a Hot Pocket (if you really, really rush). Then the asshole teachers from 1st period will actually punish you for eating in class, while they have three donuts and some coffee from Dunkin Donuts on their desk.

To make matters worse, you are not allowed to have any electronic devices in class. Not only are you bored to your mind, learning useless information and doing meaningless work, but you are bored to your mind learning useless information, doing meaningless work, without any form of entertainment.

The staff is a mxied bag, with mostly pretentious assholes who believe school is the single most important ever, despite the fact that nothing really happens except unbearable torture and wasting of my precious time. There are some staff members that make a mostly grey and dull day, colorful. These teachers are far too few, and there should be more of these types instead of the boring 'everything by the book' types. Here's a summary of each department.

Math: Basically, the most worthless required class ever, outside of English. The later levels of this class are only for people who plan on being computer programmers and video game designers. Everyone else is left thinking 'how the hell is knowing quadratic formulas going to help me improve my writing skills' or something similar.

Science: Another useless required class. You either spend time learning incredibly obvious information, or information that even the most successful people don't know. It's a useful class for anybody that plans on gaining a degree in science. Anybody else will find knowing the anatomy of a bear worthless information.

English: The most useless class to date. If the teacher doesn't agree with you, you fail. No creativity is involved, it's all about being a sheep and using the big words the teacher taught you. They make you read books, most of which only serve the purpose of creating snobbish book elitists in society that can say they read so-and-so book and can continue to bash your favorite books.

History: While it isn't bad to know your history, some teachers will make you remember information about countries that people from that country don't even know. They cram dates and events down your head, in the hopes that you'll remember it all when you're just thinking 'Why would I want to know about an ancient civilization that doesn't even exist anymore?'

Foreign Language: You are taught to speak another language in a full year course. Computer programs has made these classes obsolete, since they can do it much faster, and you're not actually being forced to do it against your will. You're also not given 100 worksheets to do to make your arms fall off.

P.E.: The most unreasonable teachers in the entire school. The motto of the course is 'As long as your dress up and participate, then you pass.' And that statement is true. However, simply participating just gets you a C in the class. You have to be an athlete to get As or Bs in the class. Only future Michael Jordans can even hope to get high 90s in this course. The teachers will constantly scream or yell at you to do things faster, even if you were to have asthma or something similar. They will also make you run for long amounts of time for absolutely no reason.

The stereotypes of school are as follows:

Preps - People who basically kiss the school's ass by participating in every thing possible, from cheerleader, to student council. Usually dress in typical 'mallrat' fashions such as abercrombie and are extremely popular. They pretty much only date jocks. Some of them are really slutty.

Jocks - People that participate in school sports teams, usually more than just one team per school year. Are typically stupid and pick on nerds. They end up with the most girls per year and have 'playatastic' attitudes. Mostly wear jerseys.

Nerds - Smart, anti-social individuals that are into geek culture like trading card games. The arch-nemesis of the jock. These guys have a really strange dress code, that varies between different individuals.

Gangstas - Listen to a bunch a hip-hop music. Can be somebody of any race, but are mostly black and spanish people. They usually start fights in the hallways for really stupid reasons, and since everybody in high school is easily entertained, there will usually be a large crowd of people watching. This, of course, will make you late to your next class and your teacher will give you detention.

Wear baggy jeans and baseball caps.

Punk - People known for being skateboarders and of course, listening to punk music. Most have piercings and get in trouble a lot. Most of them wear long-sleeve shirts under short sleeve t-shirts.

Emo - Depressed emotionally, and tend to cry a lot. Some cut themselves. Usually complain about the world and how unfair it is. Wear black and usually have hair that hangs over one eye.

Goth - Just don't give a shit. Wear black clothes and spikey accessories.

Normal - Unfortunately, there are too few of these people, because everybody is a controlling prick. They usually joke a lot and make friends with other normal people, while there former friends became one of the above stereotypes and pretty much ignored them. Some normal are the cool-laid back type of people as well, who may or may not be pot smokers.

People are unfortunately, placed into these stereotypes and are not allowed to be individuals until college or at the end of senior year.

To end every schoolyear, teachers will force you to do some crappy summer assignment which pretty much is a summary of the entire school year: unnecessary, a waste of my time, and painful.

Person 1: "Why do you even still go to that prison they call High School?"

Person 2: "My parents and the government sentenced me to 4 years of it."

by rico567 August 31, 2009

60👍 13👎

GameFAQs Message Boards

The only forum I've been to that penalizes you for your opinion and rewards you for doing nothing. The base system of the message boards is inherently flawed. On the message boards, everytime you log in, you'll get a karma point. Karma points are points that basically help you level up your account. Simple, right? It gets worse.

Where on most message boards, as soon as you sign-up, you get basic features such as the ability to search for topics, or post as much as you want per day, or the ability to mark other people's topics, you can't do any of this right from the get-go. In order for you to post as decently as you would on any other message board, you must first level up your account. That means you must continually log-onto your account for about 3 months before you can have the same amount of features that you would get on a normal message board within the first day. The worst part of the basic system is that there is NO way to gain extra karma. You only earn it after you log-on the next day. You can't gain it by submitting video game reviews, guides and walkthroughs, or by submitting any other contributions to the site. You are literally stuck getting 1 karma per day. This is basically the staff of GameFAQs saying that "We don't give two shits about your contributions to the site, we only want more visitors per day."

As if that wasn't bad enough, you can lose karma points for literally anything you say or do. This makes trying to get basic posting features a pain in the ass. Voicing your opinion is intolerable, and you will be modded immediately. This is because the moderators are either inept, stupid, fanboyish, corrupt, or any combination of the four. Say how disappointed you are in Nintendo on the Wii board? Nope, you're trolling. How about saying that you like Majora's Mask more than Ocarina of Time on the OoT board? You're trolling. What about saying how overrated you think Halo 3 is on the 360 board or the Halo boards? You're most certainly trolling. Some of the penalties for these so-called 'violations' are absolutely ridiculous. For example, getting your account banned because you posted a picture of a girl who had a nipslip where 1/64th of a nipple was actually showing, even though showing the area of boobage around the nipple is perfectly acceptable.

So in a nutshell, you gain ONE karma per day, and one wrong post can take off anywhere from 3 to 10 karma. But it gets even worse.

The moderators can't even decide on what's tolerable and what's not. This is the worst part of the moderators. Several users will get away with certain stuff, and as soon as you do the same, you will get moderated. The other users' posts will still be there for several weeks. When you contest a moderation, they even make a note of saying that mentioning how other people did it and got away with it is not an excuse. Maybe if they actually did their job instead of deciding when and when not to moderate somebody, they wouldn't even need to put that as a note.

Now, admittedly, upon signing up, very few people bother to read the ToS. People expect it to be the same cookie cutter "Don't post bad things!" type of things you see in the ToS for other forums. However, after you get moderated repeatedly, you will think to actually look back at the ToS to see if there's anything you missed. You will see that even the ToS is flawed. Half of the things you can get moderated for aren't even mentioned in the ToS. You will also see that it is just full of loopholes, in the form of manipulating statements such as "this includes but is not limited to..." in their favor. They add new violations to their list everyday, but it never appears in the ToS.

And finallly, the users. The morons have a lot of karma points, and intelligent users have very little. And your opinion will also be belitted because of your low karma. Both the moderators and the users seem to think their opinion is fact.

Please, do not visit GameFAQs. It's nothing more than aggravation after aggravation. If you're looking for a decent video game forum, don't go here at all.

"If you respect your freedom and intelligence, do not go to the GameFAQs message boards. It's where freedom is destroyed and intelligence is relinquished. "

by rico567 July 31, 2009

37👍 17👎

GameFAQs Moderator

The internet police force on the popular gaming website gamefaqs.com. The moderating staff is made up entirely of volunteer, unpaid members of the larger GameFAQs community, yet most of these volunteers treat their positions as if they're part of an actual cyber police force. The moderators are obsessed with flaunting their power whenever possible, dishing out a number of moderations on average that most forums don't even come close to approaching. GameFAQs moderators are also obsessed with maintaining their secrecy for whatever reason, hiding behind a system that allows them to give out moderations anonymously, so that they don't have to deal with disgruntled users. Overall, this gives the entire forum a "Big Brother Is Watching" vibe and results in mutual distrust between the regular users and the moderators, who act more like corrupt police officers than volunteer members of a message board community.

GameFAQs moderators are amongst some of the most biased, powerhungry and corrupt moderating staffs on the entire internet. Whereas many moderating staffs try to maintain healthy relations between them and their userbase, GameFAQs moderators seem more concerned with being an online dictatorship.

by rico567 November 1, 2014

72👍 2👎


A time a woman's vagina bleeds. It's annoying to both males and females.

Will often cause a girl to go from calm and sane (well, at least as calm and sane as a girl can get) to violent, batshit insane and irrational.

Note to all guys: Stay the fuck away from a girl on her period unless you like getting hulk smashed 20 feet below the ground.

"Jenny is on her period."
"Yeah. I'm now missing 7 teeth and an eyeball."

by rico567 June 29, 2009

265👍 82👎

summer assignment

As if the fact that kids spend almost 10 months of their entire year stuck in some classroom, learning useless information and getting their rights and individuality stripped away wasn't enough torture, somebody thought it'd be a good idea to start off the kids' summer by essentially giving them a project. That is basically what a summer assignment is.

Most people that run these school systems are oblivious to the fact that: A) Kids are not going to magically become more literate by being forced to read some crappy novel B) Most kids don't even read the books they're given, instead relying on the internet (A.K.A. that thing that proved that school is 100% obsolete) to give them a quick summary of it, and doing their 5 page essay on that and C) Most kids would rather NOT think about school during the only time they have off.

It's almost similar to when they send you packets to do during Christmas Vacation, and you were too busy doing those to actually enjoy playing your new video game system (because homework packets make everybody feel jolly!). Except imagine them taking a bite out of your summer instead. That is what summer assignments are like.

Students: "3....2.....1!!!! Summer is finally here!!!!"
Teacher: "Enjoy your summer. By the way, don't forget to write that 10-page essay and complete your summer assignment while the rest of your family is at the pool actually doing something fun!"

by rico567 August 31, 2009

47👍 7👎


A channel that plays Cops for 16 hours, with at least 4 hours of Cheaters in between somewhere, 2 hours worth of 'Movies that don't Suck' (a.k.a movies people have already seen 1000 times or movies that do indeed suck) and then 2 hours of paid programming.

Occasionally might play some of their actual GAMING and TECH shows, like how the commercials and even the name of the channel imply, but these are sandwiched in between Cops and Cheaters, at some obscure hour where everybody is at work or school.

g4tv is basically the MTV of video games. Resorts to showing stupid and idiotic TV shows meant to appeal to 12 year old boys, instead of staying true to the premise of the channel.

12 year old boy: d00d , g4tv is havin a cops marathon 2day! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Pwnzorz!!!

Intelligent guy: Are they actually playing anything related to video gaming or technology?

12 year old boy: uhm....not rly.

by rico567 May 26, 2009

62👍 12👎