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A Hickster "Hick-stur" is a Redneck with modern flair. Most hickster's enjoy the finer things in life. they can combine fashion trends that no modern "hipster" or "Hick" could hope to achieve alone. Hickster's can usually be seen wearing a clothing kaleidoscope from such designers as Gap, Patagonia, Parana, Wrangler, Carhart, and a mixture of Wal-mart, and thrift store finds. Tight T-shirts with slogans on the back such as "the south will rise again, combined with designer jeans, and tennis shoes will give a Hickster away. usually a Hickster will adorn his outfit with a old leather cowboy hat, Velo cap, or beanie. Almost always all head covering will have trophy's from previous gatherings. beer bottle caps and fish hooks are a obvious choice. Hickster's phrases like "this ain't my first rodeo" are also tell tale signs you are talking to a Hickster.

Hicksters have unique living quarters as well. Almost always a Hickster will decorate with a combination of Rebal flags, Hippy style tapestries, the latest electronics, empty skoal cans, Greatfull Dead posters , Pipes, Bowls, Guns, and wood burning tools.

Adding a Hickster to your circle of friends can add fun times and epic stories to your otherwise normal boring lives. Hicksters almost always have stories ,and will most likely create new memories. Getting hammered drunk and doing anything you tell them to, or trying to complete difficult tasks while hammered are always a favorite of Hickster's

Wow, Wes can really pick up the chick's with the stories about his old Nova!

That guy has a Dixie Outfitters shirt on under his pea coat. He must be a Hickster.

by ridedierepeat December 24, 2010

23👍 23👎