An actor or actress who continues to get A-list roles despite the fact that their films repeatedly bomb. To be a McConaughey, an actor or actress has their star-making role, followed by flop after flop to the point where audiences question why the performer continues to receive high-profile roles. Named after Matthew McConaughey, an actor dubbed as a rising star after his performance in Dazed and Confused, and continually called one despite the fact that every movie he has ever starred in (outside of romantic comedies) has flopped horribly.
Other examples of McConaugheys are Colin Farrell, Josh Hartnett, Orlando Bloom, and Halle Berry. The list of McConaugheys continually change and are always up for debate. Being a McConaughey is not permanent. The most famous example of an actor managing to reverse McConaughey status is Heath Ledger. Ledger was a McConaughey to the point of almost replacing McConaughey as the prime example until he starred in Brokeback Mountain.
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When an actor wins an Oscar and immediately begins making a string of films in which it is patently obvious they are whoring for more Oscars. This is especially the case when the character played is sentimental, mawkish, and the film incredibly cheesy. Named after Robin Williams, who won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting, and proceeded to make a slew of incredibly bad films - What Dreams May Come, Patch Adams, Jakob the Liar, and Bicennetennial Man.
"Man, Kevin Spacey's caught a bad case of Robinwilliamsitis - wins his second Oscar for American Beauty, and follows it up with crap like Pay It Forward, K-PAX, The Shipping News, and The Life of David Gale."
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