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ur mans pans

on the same level as ur granpap a trap but worse than ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian combined

josef: ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian lol
jennifer: ur mans pans

josefs head explodes and his heart is sent to the the sun and burns

by rtyuiopoiuygfdfvbnjkoiu March 26, 2018

Perth Nigga

Gay people are from perth

Friend 1: ay nigga?
Friend 2: yeah?
Friend 1: Im a Perth Nigga
Friend 2:...
Friend 1:..
Friend 2: Get your gay ass, ugly ass, kiawajat looking ass motherfucking"ima marry my cousin" looking ass out of my house.. bitch asss

by rtyuiopoiuygfdfvbnjkoiu October 26, 2018