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adj. - See #1 entry of frump. Now consider that attractive. Mmm. That's it.

All these frumpsexy mamas puttin' me inna plumpadunk delerium!

by sadjitarius March 23, 2008

6👍 1👎

potato cobbler

1. n. - any woman's large posterior (note: not just the ass) which is "sprinkled", well-incorporated, to rife with cellulite(aka cottage cheese); it sometimes running down the back of the thigh, calf, and cankles...also above the waist on the severely depressing; not necessarily a death sentence if they meet a guy that enjoys the nuanced texture of a matured and bountiful topography

2. variant: n. - "sweetpotato cobbler" - for those that wish to make a racial or skin-tone distinction between one type of cobbler and another

I ate through that potato cobbler like I was on death row!

I was at the beach and some SSBBWs, BBWs and their comparatively petite frump and plumper friends were all in bikinis...a total potato cobbler buffet. ...and I dug in. Back for thirds, even.

by sadjitarius March 24, 2008

10👍 5👎


n. - your computer monitor; the visual provocation of curvy, well-fatted women afforded by the flattening, screen-filling 2-dimensionality of (SSBBW,BBW,plumper,frumper) porn but upon "removal" of said fat-goggles by the engagement of physical proximity to said body types in meatspace they are deemed too atrociously unmanageable, perhaps even smelling a bit rank, drawing leery glances in public from people of healthy weight if walking together, and having in some sense personality disorders proportionate to the extent of their obesity(never meet their family, they will fill your brain with the scum-scrapings from the bottom of the barrel of life)

You see that nigga's fat-goggles pop off when the heffer put the make on him? Bitch just kept runnin'. And he was the one that brought me to this BBW New Year's Blowout.

My fat-goggles are glued in place... fatties sho know how to party!

Fat-goggles are very similar to Size-goggles; size queens and porn stars have had their size-goggles raped into them at a young ergo biologically smaller age; that or they've been playing with their congenitally large vagina from a young age or took a biggie their first time out to sea and will never allow 90% of the male population into their hollow body for fear of being called "loose"; size-goggles are going around as a new generation of shallow females want the ego-gratification and existential redemption of "being good enough for the best (ie:largest) dong available"

by sadjitarius March 24, 2008

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1. v. - to fornicate with a plumper
2. n. - an act of fornication with a plumper

1. "Dunkadunkakunk", I was plumpadunkin' awlnitelawng with the blinds open. I-aim-not-a-shaymed.
2. Daim, I'm 'bout up for summadat plumpadunk right now.

by sadjitarius March 23, 2008

17👍 4👎


n. - a human of diminutive yet rotund stature; usu. with limbs much smaller than the ratio their size would imply as natural; likeness seen best when they are leaning over everyone's plate at dinner with their stubby arms propped on the table

pronunciation: lard'-vark

Look at all those laardvarks leaving that diabetes info class.

Get your own, laardvark!

by sadjitarius March 24, 2008

15👍 6👎


1. n. - homosexual that makes aggressive advances towards someone regardless of that target's ambivalence or differeing orientation
2. n. - any homosexual that goes out of their way to let all heterosexual, bisexual, and opposite-sex-homosexuals within earshot know their disdain for their sexual orientation; usually through shreikings of the term "breeders", "fakers", and "dirty vadges/oppressive members", respectively

1. a. That aggrofag doesn't get the hint even after ignoring his ass all night.
b. That aggrofag knows I'm not gay but he kept inching in to lick my ear.

2. a. "Fucking aggrofags won't sthu ruining my day at the parade with my wife and newborn. It's a stroller, yes it gets in the way but if they weren't all lubed up on poppers and candy they might be on the same metabolic time scale as the rest of the world and show us some respect by getting the fuck out of the way instead of going into a fit of facial paroxysm and spilling their can of Ensure on my wife's tits."
b. Those aggrofags have been hitting me pretty hard lately, what with my period on and all...if I hear one more snarky utterance of "corned beef sammiches" from someone in the cupric fumes of my wake I am castrating, iite?

by sadjitarius March 23, 2008

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staple of underfed homosexual dredge-queens trying to stay thin well past their prime and failing as they look more AIDS than Laids

I met this scrawny, jaded faery in Chicago that rented an old ballet studio; great layout with massive sq.footage, 12 ft. ceilings, multiple parlors, and mirrored hallways. How he paid for it as a interior house painter is beyond me. The point where I decided to remember the address was when I saw him sipping on an Ensure he tore from a sixpack and blandly talking about the last job - "3 months ago". I forgot to check back to see if it the place was available, but I know he's dead. I just know it. Somewhere on or just off of Halstead. Go find it!

by sadjitarius March 23, 2008

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