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This is the name given to a fat lazy women that you work with, tends to be in an office environment. 'Tubbs' will try and avoid any work by procrastinating constantly either by talking, aimlesley walking round the room looking for things or eating. 'Tubbs' will have an addiction to yoghurts and always devour every last morsal, sometimes even spending up to half an hour scraping out the bottom of the pot. 'Tubbs' has no drive or enthusiasm to succeed in life but expects everything to be handed to her on a plate. Tubbs is also a very nosey person, a bit of a no-it-all and just generally a pain in the ass.

That fat Tubbs is eating a yoghurt whilst staring out the window again. Perhaps she should try doing some work!

by saintsfc12334 March 8, 2011

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