Source Code


acronym for cut and paste

Dude, u cnp that letter yet?

by samson120 June 30, 2005

27👍 8👎


a commonly misspelled word for gnarly

wannabe 1: Dude, that 360 aerial kick flip was so narly!!!!!11111!!11!
sk8r: Yeah, brah. But it's gnarly.

by samson120 June 17, 2005

445👍 215👎

nerf herder

1. One on the bottom rung the social and economic ladder.
2. A job nobody wants (ie fry cook)
3. Dunce, whiner, wannabe, or general loser

Owen: You clean those droids yet boy?!
Luke: Y u treatin' me like a scruffy nerf herder?

by samson120 June 17, 2005

42👍 91👎


Pronunciation: an-ee'
Function: Abbreviation
Nickname for Anakin Skywalker
Quite possibly, the worst nickname of all time.

Padme: You can't be all powerful Ani!
Ani whining: Why can't I
Padme: Because you have a stupid nickname.

by samson120 June 17, 2005

12👍 55👎


Receiveing or Receive. Older term mainly used in the modem age in reference to data transactions. Opposite tx - Transmit

Yeah, I rx'ed the file today.

by samson120 June 30, 2005

29👍 25👎

Death Star

1. Orbital Offensive Satelite Weapon about the size of a small moon.
2. A Space Station with a huger for blowing planets up.
3. The ultimate weapon
4. Ulitmate Skills

Emperor: Get in front of me all you Vader Haters out there. We'll blow your planet up.
Vader: We got Death Star

by samson120 June 17, 2005

80👍 34👎


Transmission or Transmit. Older term mainly used in the modem era. Opposite it RX - Receiving

I Tx'ed the files to you last week.

by samson120 June 30, 2005

37👍 20👎