The concept of sense as the fundamental (discrete) unit of time or sense-time as the fundamental unit of aesthetic.
Commonly attributed to semplices or musical movements.
Formalized by its creation of future mediums.
The paradigm of sense-time indicates that while music emerges from aesthetic music itself creates aesthetic. Music even predicts and creates mediums in the future. Thus sense-time or music is the fundamental (discrete) unit of aesthetic.
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The indivisibility of time INCLUDING linear time.
A moment of linear time as an eternity of cyclical time.
The orientation of linear time as an illusion.
The eternal now.
The illusion of discreteness, measurement, and momentum.
Metastasis argues that time is indivisible into smaller parts and all divisibility, and by extension all measurement, is an illusion. Metastasis asserts that each moment contingent upon being divided would itself become an eternity. Metastasis declares that space emerges from time and is isomorphically indivisible as well.
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The surreal state of late-stage communism in which semantic basis of consensus reality is absurdity.
Analogous to the hyperreal state of late-stage capitalism (postmodernism) in which subjective (individualistic) reality contra-referentializes into intersubjective (synthetic) reality.
Hypernormalization was an absurdist era of consensus reality that befell the Soviet Union in the early 90's.
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Inter- or intermodern nihilism in which one cannot tell if existentialism is cyclical or linear.
Also called existential nihilism, existential deconstructionism, or materialistic deconstructionism.
In illusory nihilism you cannot tell if you are moving forward in life or in circles.
Hypermodernity is a design-oriented heuristic that assumes that the part, when deconstructed to an attribute, can become GREATER than the whole. This is in contrast to postmodernism which posits that the WHOLE is greater than the sum of its parts.
A great way to counterpose postmodernism and hypermodernity is to say that while postmodern has an (anti-) object-orientation hypermodernity has an ATTRIBUTE-orientation
Hypermodernity exists in an increasingly fault-tolerant user experience in which objects are being deconstructed to their skeuomorphs (mimetic attributes). A tangible example of this is the touch-screen keypad replacing the flip phone keypad.
This has measurable impact on cultural consumers; who now define a product as an intersection between form and function (analogous to whole and sum-of-parts unity in modernism). Form-function unity induces a parallel revolution in material design and composition. (Even the term âmaterial designâ is an oxymoron in postmodernism.)
The increasing prevalence of skeuomorphs in disparate technological contexts and mediums means that culturally, the fake converges with the real in a hyperreality or augmented-reality-as-an-interface existence. This is evidenced by the rise of virtual reality, Google glass, Pokemon Go, virtual geo-cache incentivization, and most significantly, false social nodes (filter bubbles) created by online social networks that have an off-world impact.
In postmodernity, we watched drama on television and interpreted reality as drama; in hypermodernity, we watch reality on television and live in a Trumpian drama.
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Aesthetic movement that unites historical materialist Bolshevist ideology with cyclical fascist aesthetics. Distinguishable from national bolshevism and national socialism.
Implicitizes a fascist framework of hyperreality (augmented reality) to reconcile postmodernism (existentially deconstructionist experientialism) with metamodern (trans-consconscious) technology.
Aesthetic postmodernism
Cyberpunk ideology
Meta-Bol views the left as aesthetically congruous with the right in hyperreality and experientially congruous with the right in trans-consconscious existentialism.
A synthetic political theory that unites Jacob Lieb Talmon's messianic democracy and Frank Meyer's fusionism.
In messianic fusionism a Protestant messiah unites social-labor (modern monetary) theory into blockchain currency, ushers postmodernism beyond hyper-media into the era of metamodernism, and delineates a meta-specific relationship between a new paradigm called Emergence and Hinduism and Christianity.
Synthetic messianism.
In messianic fusionism a Protestant counter-Christ appears in lieu of the anti-Christ.