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structural divergence

Duality of meaning and structure.

Epitomized by a convergence of structure and a divergence of meaning on one end and a divergence of structure and a convergence of meaning on the other end.

Attribute of metonymy.

Structural divergence is the foundation of contrapositivity.

by sandrawine. September 2, 2018


A theory of gravity in which gravity is time or emergent from metastasis (loop time).

The theory that gravity is colinear with time.

In contrast to Einsteinian gravity which makes gravity a function of space.

'Meta-gravity' can also be shortened to 'm-gravity' as a direct competitor to m-theory.

Meta-gravity has a metonymic relationship with relativity. The two words sound the same but share an obverse-inverse relationship.

by sandrawine. October 11, 2018

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Structuralism is a philosophical dogma in which formalism has universal or meta-statical attributes.

Ie. The assumption that objects that are expressed formally can be extrapolated to meta-structures or meta-truths.

Structuralism is an attribute of German philosophers.

Structuralism should not be conflated with linearism which is intersubjective with negative formalism.

by sandrawine. September 14, 2018

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The most fundamental object.

The smallest experience with a discrete beginning and a discrete end.

It is analogous to sense.

A moment is the shortest possible unit of discrete time.

by sandrawine. August 30, 2018


A state in which irony becomes existentially externalized; usually through the introduction of new technology which is a skeuomorph of prior technology e.g. factories replacing farms in the era of late 1880's industrialization.

Modernism shifted parody from the literary to the existential; and heavily foreboded the existential self-parody of postmodernism.

by sandrawine. October 25, 2017

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contrapositive linearity

The creation of highly resolved lines in art with the use of contrapositive colors on the color wheel (Each set of two contrapositive colors forms a single line across the node (center) of the wheel of colors).

The artistic process used to create hyperreal art.

Contrapositive linearity is the death of postmodernism because juxtaposition is convergence and duality is linearity ie. convergence is in the past.

This contrasts with positive (formalistic) linearity in which juxtaposition is linearity and convergence is duality ie. convergence is the future.

Thus convergence in the past can only happen aesthetically.

by sandrawine. August 10, 2018


Reciprocity network in which the subjective (demand-oriented) value, data, and unique attributes of an object--physical, virtual, and chronistic (time-oriented)--can be traded independently of each other on a blockchain-based ledger. Anarcho-cash

Ripple is an ancash platform in which you can not only purchase plane tickets, you can trade more abstract attributes such as how long the plane will remain airborne.

by sandrawine. August 15, 2017