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The postulation that this universe is the only universe because linear time is standing still outside of the universe.

Ie. the universe as a whole is moving at infinite speed outside of itself.

The eternal now theory.

The metaverse is the inverse of the multi-verse theory.

by sandrawine. September 8, 2018

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Additive with zero overlap (conflation).

Based on the duality of meaning and structure (structural divergence).

Possible before the material past.

The meta moves from the paradoxical future to the future, however the synthetic moves from the pre-material past to the paradoxical past.

by sandrawine. September 2, 2018

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pop noir

Clashing color contrasts created with primary colors.

Used to create bold lines for neo-gothic or neo-modern font.

Contains an element of humor.

Endemic to Hitchcock and neo-noir films.

An early rendition of contrapositive linearity.

Intermodern predecessor to hyperlinearity.

Pop noir is an aesthetic presage of postmodernism.

by sandrawine. September 4, 2018


A debate over the meaning of a context presented as a debate over the context itself.

Pilpul conceals the structure of the argument in the meaning of the argument.

Pilpul can also be called structural lying.

by sandrawine. September 18, 2018

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Artificial artificial intelligence.

Synthetic intelligence.

Aai operates on the assumption that data is synthetic.

by sandrawine. June 22, 2018

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A recreation of reaction via action.

Technoformalism as a recreation of the "preknowing" of neoformalism.

Knowing is a recreation of neo-formalism or "pre"- knowing.

Or: all recreation is reaction.

In other words; all action is recreation.

by sandrawine. November 3, 2019

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Linear timeline in which the meanings of whole words are synthetic (additive) in the future; and convergent (conflationary) in the past.

In contrast the phonemes (phonetic parts) of words are synthetic (additive) in the past; and convergent in the future.

Metonymy is an instance of the contrapositive nature of material dualism.

by sandrawine. September 2, 2018

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