Postmodernism in synthetic (materially-designative) organic form.
Organic skeuomorphism.
Conscious materialism.
Supramodernism is the aesthetic motif for Apple products.
Evaluation of the completeness of the specificity of a statement.
Decidability examines falsifiability of a statement in the context in which it was spoken; Athenian truth-telling.
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The belief that the present emerges from the future.
The obverse of determinism.
Emergentism is the obverse of determinism.
It would reject historical materialism.
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A metastate in which every surface including discrete surfaces that is contiguous (continuous) is also mathematically closed (conformal).
Stipulates a bijective (co-imperative contingent (cotingent)) relationship between contiguity and conformalism.
Ie. Bijectivity stipulates conformalism as well as the converse.
Contiguity theory propounds a conversal (bidirectional in position (space)) stipulatory relationship between bijectivity and conformalism.
That is to say: bijectivity stipulates conformalism and conformalism stipulates bijectivity.
Second-wave anarcho-fascism that is united by anarcho-traditionalism
The alt-right idealizes aristocratic whiteness in which decentralized communities are disconnected from a centralized government; which preferably does not exist save for a supreme anarcho-monarchist
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The concept that the whole is greater than the the sum of its parts. As opposed to modernism which tenders that the whole is EQUAL to the sum of its parts
Postmodernism massively increases the size of the whole, occupies the interstitial space between part and whole, and deconstructs the parts; leaving the whole intact but massively nebulous.
The "whole" can also be called the context.
While formally opposing objectivity, Postmodernism actually assumes it, because it leaves the whole (the context) intact although greatly enlarged; while deconstructing only the constituent parts ie it ASSUMES a whole.
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The asymmetry of linear time.
The quality of linear time having momentum.
The circumstance of the asymmetric momentum falling under the material (false) frame of consciousness in order to preserve external symmetry.
The circumstance of value having a meta-value because the null value is neither conclusively a point nor a line.
The circumstance of something appearing from nothing.
In the paradigm of self-syntheticity something appears from nothing because the syntheticity is contrapositive to the thesis AND the antithesis.
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