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The belief that the present emerges from the future.

The obverse of determinism.

Emergentism is the obverse of determinism.

It would reject historical materialism.

by sandraxine September 14, 2018

3👍 1👎


A paradigm in which momentum comes from the future; whereas force comes from the past.

Stochastic-emergentism declares that whereas momentum is unevenly distributed along a line; force is evenly distributed along a line.

This means that force is unevenly distributed along a plane.

The uneven distribution of force along a plane manifests itself as temperature change.

by fightfacilities November 15, 2020


Proposal that free will is asymmetric self-similarity-from-the-future.

Whereas emergentism is NOT emergence meta-emergentism is meta-emergence.

by fightfacilities November 7, 2020