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The most fundamental object.

The smallest experience with a discrete beginning and a discrete end.

It is analogous to sense.

A moment is the shortest possible unit of discrete time.

by sandraxine August 30, 2018


A state in which irony becomes existentially externalized; usually through the introduction of new technology which is a skeuomorph of prior technology e.g. factories replacing farms in the era of late 1880's industrialization.

Modernism shifted parody from the literary to the existential; and heavily foreboded the existential self-parody of postmodernism.

by sandraxine October 25, 2017

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contrapositive linearity

The creation of highly resolved lines in art with the use of contrapositive colors on the color wheel (Each set of two contrapositive colors forms a single line across the node (center) of the wheel of colors).

The artistic process used to create hyperreal art.

Contrapositive linearity is the death of postmodernism because juxtaposition is convergence and duality is linearity ie. convergence is in the past.

This contrasts with positive (formalistic) linearity in which juxtaposition is linearity and convergence is duality ie. convergence is the future.

Thus convergence in the past can only happen aesthetically.

by sandraxine August 10, 2018


Reciprocity network in which the subjective (demand-oriented) value, data, and unique attributes of an object--physical, virtual, and chronistic (time-oriented)--can be traded independently of each other on a blockchain-based ledger. Anarcho-cash

Ripple is an ancash platform in which you can not only purchase plane tickets, you can trade more abstract attributes such as how long the plane will remain airborne.

by sandraxine August 15, 2017


Communication that effects inflammatory reaction by employment of syntactical conflation.

Syntactical conflation can include using language outside of its generic context or by employing the morphemes of language to create new meaning.

Conflammatory is a portmanteau of "conflation" and "inflammatory."

by sandraxine August 6, 2018



Aesthetic movement that unites historical materialist Bolshevist ideology with cyclical fascist aesthetics. Distinguishable from national bolshevism and national socialism.

Implicitizes a fascist framework of hyperreality (augmented reality) to reconcile postmodernism (existentially deconstructionist experientialism) with metamodern (trans-consconscious) technology.

Aesthetic postmodernism

Cyberpunk ideology

Meta-Bol views the left as aesthetically congruous with the right in hyperreality and experientially congruous with the right in trans-consconscious existentialism.

by sandraxine March 4, 2018

Messianic Fusionism

A synthetic political theory that unites Jacob Lieb Talmon's messianic democracy and Frank Meyer's fusionism.

In messianic fusionism a Protestant messiah unites social-labor (modern monetary) theory into blockchain currency, ushers postmodernism beyond hyper-media into the era of metamodernism, and delineates a meta-specific relationship between a new paradigm called Emergence and Hinduism and Christianity.

Synthetic messianism.

In messianic fusionism a Protestant counter-Christ appears in lieu of the anti-Christ.

by sandraxine August 26, 2018