Aesthetic as an emergent phenomenon of self-reference or cyclical time.
Vaporwave is an example of and synonym of vaporkampf.
Anarcho-fascism is based on the premise that in post-capital (cryptocurrency-centric) societies, racial identitarianism loses its stigma.
Anarcho-fascism or national (nationalist) anarchism propounds that only ethnic cohesion can form self-referential societies in the wake of capitalism's collapse.
In the absence of identitarian action, national anarchism believes that capitalism--specifically global capitalism--will collapse into Marxism.
The exclusive precursor to 5G (fifth generation) warfare.
Troy Southgate is responsible for anarcho-fascism's foundational premise: populist tribalism loses its stigma in a post-capital society.
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A figure in a movie who is revealed as nonexistent only in retrospect.
A metaphor for linear time revealing itself as paradox (illusion) only when viewed from future to past.
A cipher is a metaphor for time itself.
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A scene in which collective liability is being allocated.
The left wing is in love with spectacle.
The Old Testament has many examples of spectacle.
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A theory of social change (linear ontology) in which asymmetry causes incompleteness (inequality); and incompleteness causes discontinuity; and discontinuity recursively causes asymmetry.
Ontologistics depicts a recursive (self-referencing) path of social change.
Resolved into a line.
A linear component of a larger cycle.
A lineal vector is a line-that-makes-up-a-circle.
Conformal symmetry is lineal.
Extreme to the point of contrapositional self-reference in the next cultural, mathematical, or metaphysical paradigm
The horseshoe political theory in which an individual moves so far to the right so as to support a national safety net is an example of the hyper phenomenona.
Also, the hyper bola reflects itself in opposition across the x or y nodes.
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