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Imitating or living your entire life like a celebrity dyke.

Dude, have you noticed her recent dyklikeness?

Yah, I cant believe i might be dating a dyke.

by savergen May 2, 2009


The actions of a person, place or thing that would require a word that is fun to say, and requires a word meaning better than awesome. This word can be used as a noun, pronoun, verb or anything you wish.

Dude, you are beast.

by savergen June 12, 2009

2👍 6👎


Having the right characteristics to be a beast. An action performed described as beast.

Dude, that was beastly.

by savergen June 12, 2009

1👍 5👎


A word that could be described as beastly, but the user wants something even more slang.

Yo, man, that was beastin'.

by savergen June 12, 2009

2👍 10👎