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An argentinian culinary-sexual delicatessen. it's name is a contraction of "Choripan" (a traditional sandwich with an autochthonous type of sausage) and "Pete" (local euphemism for blowjob).
A Choripete it's basically a choripan sandwich that in certain establishments (sometimes as a surprise) includes a blowjob for the same price.
Often the service is provided while the client is consuming his sandwich.

Juan: Hey bro, let's go have a choripete at the train station
Luis: ok, but I think I'll have a morcipete instead

by savorido April 16, 2014

29👍 1👎


taking photos of your balls in front of beautiful landscapes. a new genre of photography that attempts to rediscover the beauty of hairy balls by merging them on breathtaking scenes as another astronomic body (moon, sun, etc.).

look at that sunset, let's take down your pants and so some nutscaping!

by savorido October 30, 2015


Argentinian slang for an extreme variant of ass-kisser.

It's a combination of the word "gargara" (meaning gargle), and "leche" (milk, in this case referring to human semen), so it could be literally translated as: jizzgargler, a very visual metaphor.

while on the same family of ass-kissers, a gargaleches goes above and beyond by performing a very cringy and explicit act of unsolicited or unnecessary sycophancy towards upper management.

- hey, the gargaleches is asking me what do I think about the new spreadsheet the VP wants us to fill
- ah, don't bother, he's just doing intel for his manager

by savorido February 9, 2024