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The concept that all systems today- our entire political and economic understanding of the world, were developed in the past and conceived upon notions that do not mesh well with modern automation and tech advances.

To apply solutions now we need to envision what our future should hold and the trajectory in which we are headed to avoid ethical concerns like engrained generational discrimination and bias that we have since evolved past-

Futurism is the concept that we have ascended beyond people laboring their entire lives to meet their own "five simple needs”

Anytime we are left in need it leads to isolation and desperation.

Futurism is recognition that we live in a world of abundance where any obstacle or challenge can be overcome with thoughtful innovation rather than force and punishment.

In futurism all true knowledge is good knowledge because it will benefit someone somewhere-

There are no hierarchies in this structure, there is only union through collaboration not division through competition.

All competition is simply a game we play with others to further motivate and drive innovation. It is play that drives discovery and growth and expansion of knowledge. Understanding = connection and it is this collective connection that is so powerful to heal all inequity. We never required pain to learn- we can build a gentle world.

I don't subscribe to capitalism, socialism, or communism- I'm a futurist. Besides futurism nothing really accounts for the level of technological advancement we expect to see moving forward so how could any other system properly prepare us?

by sbvsblw October 4, 2022

five simple needs

The five simple needs are defined as: Shelter, nutrition, community, fulfillment, and expression.

•shelter= a home that feels secure
•nutrition= food and water that can be absorbed and processed by the individuals body properly
•fulfillment= the feeling you are doing what you were"meant to", the freedom to pursue areas of talent and interest
•expression= the ability to communicate internal states and have that understanding reflected

Maslows hierarchy of needs is great but regarding need there is no hierarchy- a need is "all or none" there is no partial fulfillment of a need either you are sated or suffering.

Any of these needs not being fulfilled will lead to imminent deterioration of mind/body/spirit and results in behaviors of isolation and desperation.

The source of all problems in the world are from an unmet need which requires empathy and understanding to correct as opposed to assumption, hate, and rejection.

I thought I had all my needs met with food, water, and shelter but the real reason I've been feeling so depressed is I've been missing my five simple needs- Everything I do is for someone else yet I feel no community connection in my work environment. I need to align more with my passion work to feel like me again!

by sbvsblw October 4, 2022