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moob job

When overweight men undergo breast reduction surgery.

A recent conference on plastic surgery trends revealed a 44% rise in moob jobs between 2007 and 2008 making it the fifth most popular plastic surgery for men in england.

by schmuckaneers September 17, 2009

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frosting the mons

South florida slang term referring to the withdrawal technique during sexual intercourse. Immediately prior to ejaculation, the male withdraws and "blows his load" over the female's mons pubis, the anatomical region directly above the vagina, covered in pubic hair unless the female has recently waxed.

Most commonly encountered when sexual relations are ongoing, but early enough in the relationship that the female has not been taking her birth control pills long enough.

Jason: Hey Kenny- how are things going with you and that girl Kathy?

Kenny: Pretty good- we've been slammin for a bit now- Still frosting the mons though.

Jason: Still waiting for the pill to kick in?

Kenny: Yup- only 1 more week to go

by schmuckaneers June 24, 2009

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turkish bullseye

A very large and overgrown patch of pubic hair, where the margin marking the transition from peri-vaginal hair to peri-anal hair is blurred-essentially creating a continuous patch of hair from the low back to the belly-button

Lee: Hey- Sanj- you hooked up with that hot chick priti - I bet that was incredible!

Sanj: Yeah, I thought it was going to be incredible- but she has a big turkish bullseye- it looked like a camel's asshole down there

Lee: Oh shit- that sucks

by schmuckaneers June 4, 2009

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When blog related activity consumes ones life to the irritation of those around them. Whether it is posting on their own blog, reading and talking about someone else's blog, or getting all worked up and arguing over blogs.

JD - Did you read Dylan's blog today? That guy sure has gotten a little out of control. Now he even has some new stupid-ass nickname for himself.

Ben - What a jackass, that guy is so into blogsturbation I can't even talk to him anymore.

by schmuckaneers April 16, 2009

key west bullseye

Aka: Goatee; A pattern of facial hair on a homosexual male, forming a circular targetoid shape around the mouth. Origin in key west in the late 80's.

Mahal: Hey greg, you know sandy and her cousin kenny?

Greg: She has a lot of cousins- which one is he?

Mahal: He's that 40 year old dude with the old used corvette and a key west bullseye.

Greg: Oh yeah- that guy- I know exactly who you are talking about.

by schmuckaneers June 4, 2009


When something is popular enough to be mainstream, but is really only mainstream for white people. Emo music is a good examle of whitestream.

Anup: Hey did you know snoop dog just had a show in town?

Tammy: Oh I loved him back in high school- that's too bad I missed it

Anup: It was good, the audience was almost entirely white people though-it was a little strange

Tammy: Yeah, I had heard he's really gone whitestream recently.

by schmuckaneers June 6, 2009

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after whore

1) When someone or something is so incredibly used this is the most extreme analogy you can use

2) A lifetime prostitute who is hitting her late 50s after a hard life of tobacco, alcohol and suntanning.

Those bikes they rent at that shop are so used- donҀ™t rent them - they are worn out worse than an after whore out in Reno.

by schmuckaneers October 19, 2018