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Joy, a unique species of nerd, posing as a human being. This creature has infiltrated society and is working his nerdlinging ways into the system to finally bring an end to capitalism and ressurect Stalin to reign supreme. So far, Joy's host body is 15 years old and resides somewhere in Northern Ireland. This country has been selected as a trail run before the capture of the USA and Australia. The nerd himself was selected at birth and the Joy parasite took control of the baby. Nowadays Joy can be found masturbating in public restrooms and hanging around the back of GAME shops to salvage discarded games from the trash can. He is wanted in 32 countries for various offenses such as public nudity, regicide, improper use of male sexual organs and harbouring illegal immigrants from Guam in the southern regions of his ass.

Where's Joy? Im horny and I got 2dolla!!

by scoutnibblet March 11, 2004

71👍 765👎


Nirvana tribute band.

Yo, dude why is that guy bald and replacing the lyrics to Polly with all this crap about rats in cages?

by scoutnibblet June 21, 2004

14👍 22👎


A species of Goblin, of the goblinus herpeaticmus genus. Usually minimalistic in hieght, this creature prays on men's private regions for its own sadistic pleasure. Nobgoblin's are secretive shy creatures by nature, often residing in small cracks and crevices. They appear rarely, only surfacing for food or penis. The creature's face has never been seen, but it is believed to bear resemblance to CJ during a particularily tough boot camp session.

If you dont stop it, ill get my Nobgoblin out on you!

by scoutnibblet March 11, 2004

50👍 15👎