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stale peep

a friend that you no longer have/want

a cell phone number of a friend, a stale peep, that you banged and no longer want

I need to get rid of all these stale peeps, bitches wont leave me alone

My GF has my pass code to my phone, I now have to get rid of all my stale peeps

by scubasteve919 September 2, 2010

10👍 3👎


the act of jerking off real fast

quick hard full stroke jerking off without stopping until cumming

when you are running late but need to pop one off, you jump into the bathroom and jerk off real real fast

when you are home with GF and parents are on the way home, and need to finish the BJ fast, she start rifling

by scubasteve919 May 6, 2011

12👍 21👎


chat room icon to show your vajj

Im so hot right now,...wanna see my \i/

by scubasteve919 February 11, 2011

1👍 6👎


sometime after you get up from a long night partying, where you need to get something done, or a person wants to meet but you aren't completely sure when, but want to, so,.

obviously, after 12 noon but before nighttime

Hey,... when you wanna meet today?

I'm not sure but definitely afternoonish

by scubasteve919 April 8, 2011

13👍 2👎