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Reese is one of the best girls you'll ever meet. She is the most loyal friend anyone could ask for and will stay by your side no matter what. She is usually blonde with beautiful blue eyes.
Her sense of humor is flawless but when you get really close with her she might talk about personal, deep, and psychological things with you. People make fun of her a lot but they don't know everything she has been through and seen. Losing Reese will make you rethink everything.

When she finds that one person who will talk about life and drama with she won't flake off and she'll do little things to make then feel special and appreciated.

Lots of people dislike Reese because she is involved in a lot of drama and rumors but her true friends won't listen to that negativity.

She is beautiful inside and out, even if she doesn't realize it. Don't lose her.

(irrelevant people) Reese is so over-dramatic and annoying. I hate her so much.
(her friends) Reese is the most loyal friend there is.

Reese is so beautiful. I would love to call her mine.

by seattleanonymous October 24, 2017

44👍 15👎