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v. To shamelessly flirt and schmooze on Twitter, knowing the world and his dog could be watching.

We may twirt with an individual we like, or send a coquettish and provocative public tweet deliberately in attempt to sway our online popularity in the social media spectrum. Sometimes this carnal behaviour extends to a tweep of the same sex to encourage eyebrow raising, chinwagging and hence more followers.

A lucky few may meet Mr or Mrs Right. Be wary to check credentials before getting too involved since said twitterer may in fact be an African prince trying to obtain your bank details.

To twirt or not to twirt, that is the question.

by seogeekbabe August 14, 2011

10👍 5👎


1. Female (chick) proud to be in a computer (pooter) job
2. Geek girl who rips apart or builds computers for fun
3. Gamer with lady parts
4. Woman of remarkable achievement in the world of computer science
5. Big cheese or inventress for an IT or technology company

Female hardware and software engineers, technical support and network analysts, database administrators, internet marketers, SEO gurus, e-commerce and web developers, programmers and computer scientists are all pooterchicks.

I'm a pooterchick. I do cool stuff with pooters. Got a lot more RAM than you think and an ultra-capable CPU.

Famous pooterchicks:
- Mary Lee Woods (mummy to Tim Berners-Lee)
- Sophie Wilson (designed Acorn computer)
- Carly Fiorina (ex-CEO of Hewlett Packard)
- Meg Whitman (ex-CEO of Ebay)

by seogeekbabe August 6, 2011


A woman who is able to seamlessly integrate technical expertise and nerdy interests with style and femininity.

Geekish traits such as a highly creative and analytical mind, love of technology or fantasy, attention to detail, tendency to invent, passion for specific subjects and aspiration to continuously learn are balanced with a desire to avoid looking like a nerd at all costs!

Usually high achievers and working in male-dominated environments such as business, technology, computing, web design, science, medical or legal, geekbabes like to strut their stuff, dress up and ooze sexiness. They are proud of the contrast of the two sides of their personality, and at times may display extreme tendencies towards either sensitivity or extroversion.

Man, have you seen that hot geekbabe in the IT department? I got an eyeful while she was installing a gigabit network adapter for my i7.

Hire the geekbabe!: she's experienced in Search Engine Optimisation with Google Analytics certification, skilled at Advanced Excel with pivot tables and VBA, speaks 5 languages, invented a language, programs PHP, runs Star Wars conventions, heads up a Business Enterprise Network, fitted her own kitchen and is a part time make up artist and lingerie model.... ;) Phew!

by seogeekbabe August 5, 2011

11👍 1👎