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A gathering (virtual or real-workd) of idiots and dimbulbs , sharing a collection of unsubstantiated half-truths or lies in the entirely mistaken belief they are being dangerously radical or sagacious

"Wow! this twitter thread full of anti-naskers and 5G wackos had turned into a total

by septentrionalis August 25, 2020

dumb shaming

Using well-founded evidence in a public forum to point out the titanic and obvious stupidity exhibited by someone being, at best, a half-wit about something of which they know little or nothing.

Unlike “fat shaming” dumb shaming has less of a perjorative edge for the accuser than the accused, as unlike fat shaming, the person being a stupid fuck-knuckle is in a perfectly good position to not act that way.

Sheesh, didn’t that anti-vax crank just invite a total fucking dogpile of dumb shaming with his latest woo-woo tinfoil-hatted rant?

by septentrionalis September 7, 2020

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