The school that caused me sixteen years of erectile disfunction.
One man even described the school as "The worst Fucking Shit show ever" - Principal Phil Mathews
I farted violently on the staircase near M22 and now everyone calls "shardass"
Shout out to phillip hill, the best musician. I want him to have my fucking babies.
(at hailsham community college)
Person one: holy shit is that shardass
Me (shardasss): Oh no i just sharded again in my baby blue tighty whitey pantaloons ltfgvccvhtucrdgsh mkvnjed fzaey hb
Probably an acronym for something else, but this can be used for
Someone's (anyone with an S really)
Person 1: Have you seen (name)?
Person 2: The one with SFA?
person 1: yeah, she's dating Steiner (first name I thought of)