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when a german is fucking bored as hell

german: im bored so qwertzuiopüasdfghjklöäyxcvbnm

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 20, 2020

19👍 8👎


the longest word in german

qwertytrese5rfde4rfcxHallo Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän Schlampe 123456789iujhgfdsdfc

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 19, 2020

2👍 11👎


When you type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm in your arabic keyboard

Guy 1: hey what keyboard you have
guy 2: ضصثقفغعهخحشسيبلاتنمئءؤرلاىة

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 15, 2020

6👍 16👎


when a icelander is bored to death

im icelandic so i type qwertyuiopðasdfghjklæzxcvbnmþ

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 19, 2020

23👍 11👎

In-person school

litreal hell, the same thing as school before COVID but now their is a stupid in person version of online school, where it is WORSE

you wake up at 7 am in the morning, get in a car, or go to the sidewalk, arrive at school, have to check your godamn temp.
then you have to social distance, wear a mask for the whole day exepct for lunch witch is a fat ladys shit from 10 years ago

then they teach you useless shit that you already fucking knew for seven fucking hours
infact i am fucking writing this in in person school

In-person school sucks

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 20, 2020

2👍 10👎


It comes from Maopu Emoji No. 233, which is a thumping and laughing emoji, so many netizens like to add "233" when posting in the post bar and forum. At the same time, "233" sometimes becomes 2333 or more 3 Follow behind to show that you are laughing wildly~ More than 3 can also indicate lasting laughter, used to show irony or express inner joy

233, someone forgot to pull the zipper of his pants today

233, I found out that I didn’t wear clothes when I went out

by shawtylikeamelody57 October 15, 2020

8👍 14👎