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a loving person, a prince who wields the sword of kindness.
a confidant who's never late to a friend's call, and makes sure to convey the importance of whomever he's talking to
a smart and soft-spoken person with high passion with creative solutions and ideas to share
he's a beautiful soul, one of the rarest gems of this world
also my future husband <3

"dude I just met the sweetest person ever there, I didn't catch his name tho.."
"you must mean ElAmore, such a gentleman right?"
"Hell yeah!"

by shhsmile June 2, 2023


A prince, wielding a sword of kindness and nobility.
A courteous gentleman with a red beryl holding much value and richness centered in his heart.
He has a beauty of words expressed eloquently.
Bashfully honest and in constant search for advancement and betterment.
An overall cinnamon roll who's super duper cute and I cannot have prayed for a better companion and shi.

Oh ElAmir? He's my future husband lol

by shhsmile May 24, 2023


An amazing, quirky, and sweet person. Tries his hardest disregarding how he might feel most of the time. A cool lad with a big heart and pure intentions. A cutie pie in general.

Oh how admirable Zhilong is!

Zhilong, the smart guy from science class, helped me with notes today. Such a nice guy!

by shhsmile April 12, 2021