YAFFing, or, the act of writing You're a Fuckin' Faggot Dude or (YAFFD) is an acronym used in texting, usually when texting between two guys, that is usually a response to a male friend using an emoticon (smiley face or any other kind of face). YAFFD is intended to let the person know that you only tolerate broads who use that shit because they have vaginas and tits that they may one day expose to you.
YAFFING Example:
Steve (Texting Bill): dude, tonight we should totally go and see the new Judd Apatow movie
Bill: Sounds good. I'll call you when I get off work.
Steve: :o)
Steve: why'd you YAFF me?
Bill: because you sent me a gay clown face in your text. only girls who have nice big goobler tits are allowed to make those. Seeing as how you don't have the aforementioned goobler tits, I refuse to stand for your texts, as you are a faggot.
Steve: oh!
the only acceptable image for a man to draw in his texts using colons, brackets etc. is a penis. e.g. 8---)
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the chundercats are a super elite group of dumb bitches who go out drinking everyweekend and end up puking, falling and getting in people's faces all evening. The events of the evening are usually discussed and laughed about the next day with the other dumb bitches whom they work with.
Bill (to Steve): Hey I invited Becky and her friends over on Friday to drink with us before we go out.
Steve: dude! I don't want those hookers in our house! they're fuckin Chundercats!
Bill: yeah I know, but they are also the dumbest hooers we know and they may do somethin strange for a little piece of change
Steve: Fine, but when they Chunder, and they will Chunder, you are cleaning that shit up.
Chundercats (upon arrival): (raising their swords of power) Chundercats. HO!
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while shaking someone's hand, proceeding to stick your thumb in your butt and yell out in a German accent "Thummin Mine Asshole"
Friend 1: I met my girlfriend's parents yesterday
friend 2: how did that go?
friend 1: good. we did a vietnamese handshake.
friend 2: what's that?
Friend 1: we all stuck our thumbs in our asses when we shook hands and yelled out "thummin mine asshole" in a German accent.
There is nothing quite like sticking your thumb in your ass while shaking somebody's hand.
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when sleeping on your side, waking up with a rock steady, red hot morning boner and, rolling over onto your stomach, going back to sleep, sleeping on top of your boner, flattening it out like a pancake.
Sleeping on your boner is only good to do once in a while
Example #1:
Bill (to Steve): fuck me! I slept on my boner one too many times and I now have permanent pancake dick.
Steve:dude, you're only supposed to sleep on your morning boner every other day.
Bill: fuck!
Steve: it's perfect!you have a pancake dick, and your mom has a scrambled eggs pussy! and your dad has a french toast ass hole!
Bill: lets go and throw rocks and some geese!
Steve and Bill: (yelling together) Pancake Boner! Throwing Rocks at Geese!
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Glitchin'-ass niggaz are similar to the controversial "Snitchin-ass nigga" but they glitch out hard in video games instead of snitch on their homies.
When playing halo 3 big team slayer online (and various other first peron shooter team death match games) someone- usually a fag- is seen moving irradically, appearing and then disappering and just plain glitching all over the place giving him (or her if she is a lesbian) and unfair advantage over the other players (even Koreans).
Bill (to Steve): you just got dip swerved on kid. I'm working you over.
Steve: dude your using some kind of faggy glitch mod to serbian jew double bluff me you Glitchin'-ass nigga.
Bill: I pull up glitchin' on niggaz, I don't be tryin to be hatin (Glitchin-ass nigga version of "Riding Rims" by Dem Franchize Boys).
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One who wakes up early on saturday morning for the sole purpose of furiously eating (fucking) all of the oven fresh muffins before anyone else can. They also enjoy fucking carrot cake and banana bread.
Bill (to Steve): That J.V. is a muffin fucker extraordinaire.
Steve: It's 5:30AM, better get down stairs before all of those muffins get fucked.
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Once a term exlcusively used for iraqis, it is more hilariously applied to people from the middle east as a whole. The ignorance of such a statement compounding its comedic effect.
It can also be used to describe Iraqi people that look like various types of spiders, or, inversely, spiders that look like iraqi people
see also Iraqnidphobia: a fear of spiders that resemble middle eastern people, or, a fear of middle eastern people that resemble spiders.
Example #1:
jesus but fucking christ batman! that spider looks like a god damn Iraqi! It has got to be some kind of Iraq-nid.
Example #2:
frantic lady (speaking with pest control): these huge spiders have been living in my basement for the past 2 weeks. They wont leave and it smells like 40 wet golden retrievers shitting on a bunch of dead skunks down there now!
Pest control: those aren't spiders lady those are Iraqis. Iraqnids to be precise.
Lady: What can I do to get rid of them?
pest control: make a cd of current top 40 shitty pop music and play it on repeat until the threat of insanity forces them to leave.
Lady: you're my hero. hows about you play with my butt a little while now?
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