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Tea Party + Republican

A member of the Republican party, with strong anti-government sentiments, who often believes that national security, and expressions of patriotism, corporate fealty, and constitutionalism, are fundamentally more important to America's national character than the general health, education and welfare of its citizens.

Fed up with moderate Republicans, he decided he would only vote for Teapublicans.

by shoqvalue March 21, 2010

839πŸ‘ 457πŸ‘Ž


An imageҀ”often called an avatarҀ”which represents an online user, often on some kind of social network or application, which serves as a tribute to some person, cause or idea. It may be permanent, or only used for the duration of a special event, or while an issue remains topical.

During the Iran Election crisis, the TV anchor had been using a Tributar depicting a Neda, a fallen protester. Later he switched to a Tributar showing himself as a child, sitting on his late father's lap.

by shoqvalue June 22, 2010

377πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž


Conservative + Corporate (ADJ)

A shorter form of Concorporative.

See: Concorporative

Most major media companies seek and support conservative regulatory and tax relief policies that benefit their financial bottom line. This concorporate nature influences a great deal of its programming, analysis, and commentary.

by shoqvalue February 1, 2010

727πŸ‘ 382πŸ‘Ž


An organized political tactic or strategy aimed at exposing and promoting the actual facts about a political candidate, their positions, or their record.

A play on "Swiftboating," where baseless allegations are widely promoted to smear a candidate (often with funding provided by outside groups),"Truthboating" is designed to discredit a candidate or their positions based on well documented facts or the public record.

While some might consider telling the truth about a candidate to be a "dirty trick," others feel the practice may actually make an important contribution to electoral politics.

Mitt Romney called it "disgusting" that the Obama campaign was citing actual facts about when he worked at Bain Capital. Such truthboating is expected to escalate as the presidential election approaches.

by shoqvalue July 14, 2012

773πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž


Corporation + America

A shorter and more candid name for the corpocracy formerly known as the United State of America, prior to the Supreme Court's infamous "Citizen's United vs. FEC" decision.

As a citizen of Corperica, I am forced to accept that the rights of corporations are equal to mine as an individual.

by shoqvalue February 21, 2010

776πŸ‘ 344πŸ‘Ž


The singular form of Foxbaggers

See: Foxbaggers

As a loyal Fox viewer and Teaparty member (a.k.a. "Teabagger"), he proudly votes against his own self interest. He's a Foxbagger.

by shoqvalue February 2, 2010

776πŸ‘ 383πŸ‘Ž


Fox News + Teabaggers

People who subscribe to the tenets, postures and propaganda of the Republican Party, or its far-right populist Teabagger wing, which have both become malleable tools of the Fox News Channel and the many concorporative interests it often speaks or acts on behalf of.

Created in 2010 by @Shoq as a twitter #hastag, "Foxbaggers" merged many competing terms, all referring to the same far right-wing constituencies. Rather than call them Wingnuts, Hatriots, Populists, Foxbots, Fauxbots, Fox viewers, etc., it was far more efficient to use one simple label and tag, which could be used like this:

"James O'keefe" is just a Foxbagger pretending to be an investigative journalist so he can impress all the other Foxbaggers."

by shoqvalue January 31, 2010

836πŸ‘ 451πŸ‘Ž