a 5,1 brunette, small tits, nice ass, enjoys nic, weed, molly, adderall, shrooms, acid, percs, + the additional oxycoden. she is very funny and has a nice little aesthetic. good personality and really fun to be around bruhhhh. occasionally talks shit about most people, but deep down feels horribly. usually bullies a trans male with pink hair because he smells like shit although has some sort of remorse for the male/woman. has a couple male friends but likes most of them. has a thing for veiny hands and emo boys. goes thrift shoppin. usually hangs with a gianna, a maiya, a britney n a sofia. listens to deftones, cigarettes after sex, sidewalks and skeletons, duster bruh!!!!!!! i love duster so myuch guys. shy unless you know her. funny bruhhhhhgggg. lowkey emo but not really. looks sad but doesn't have depression like you would assume.. yet my brotha. guys should i add n additional nigga in here??? a nigga or a nigger pick one don't be indesicive. comment down below and let me know before i shove my rotting tit down your mouth till it tickles your uvula and you can't take it anymore. goodbye and have a nice evening. drink some tea and take a nap you stupid bitch!
Yo, you see that talyn.
Bro...talyns bullying skylar again
You familiar with that talyn chick??
Talyn is golden!
Bro i wanna be 4liferss with talyn
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