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Maiya is one of the most funniest people you will ever meet. They can make you smile and will always have your back.Maiyas are outgoing,beautiful,and their really good friends.Get you a Maiya.

Person 1 - Hey do you know maiya, she's so funny if you don't you should really get to know her
Person 2 - nah I dont, i've heard of her but were not friends.I think I'm going to get to know her .

by Mydefinitionsare100 March 14, 2017

137πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Funny, Amazing, Athletic, outgoing, long eyelashes, very curvy, and beautiful


by Caroline103 April 25, 2018

183πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A Beautiful and Attractive girl who's talented and smart. Has captivating eyes and a voice known for it's sweat melody.

Maiya's so Beautiful...

by Arose21 July 4, 2011

553πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


An amazing smart girl.
She can be a bit crazy some times but she's funny.
She beautiful and is fun. Sometimes she is random too and will make crazy sounds so do something funny that will make all her friend laugh. Maiya's usually tend to be known but not popular, and Maiya's are usually great people to be around.

Friend 1 : Maiya do you have the answer to this question?
Maiya: Yeah here *gives answer*
Friend 1:Thanks Maiya you're a life saver!

Another Maiya thingy:

Friend 2: Maiya whats up?
Maiya: The sky *troll face*
Friend 2 : -__-

by Average Kid :) August 11, 2011

378πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful, tall, fierce, funny, cute

Boy 1: who is she.
Boy 2: Maiya
Boy 1: oh yeah I could tell she’s really pretty.

by Caroline103 March 14, 2018

44πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Maiya is very strong and pretty she is known but not popular she is artistic and very funny Maiya's typically don't show emotion very well but love the people close to them they also love sarcasm . Maiya's are tall and skinny and resemble a model they are sometimes to creative and talkative Maiya's really thirst for fame and wonder about the word they are also great observers

Look at her she is so tall and and pretty she seems very aware she must be Maiya`

by Maiya Grace September 14, 2020

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


MaiyaΒ΄s are beautiful, pretty, and kind there not shy there really outgoing. There normally short, funny, and always getting into trouble. They normally like people with a letter (A, J, K). There really popular and loves hanging out with friends. If you see a Maiya you would fall in love instantly, from her beautiful eyes. she doesn't like it if there are no people. she likes being around people. Maiyas love to laugh they can light up a room from just smiling. They love making jokes and need a lot of attention.

There normally missed understood. you are really lucky if you're in a MaiyaΒ΄s life, if you do have one cherish her and hold her tight

person: Hey! do you know a Maiya?
person 2: of course she's the pretty girl here!
person 3 : who? Maiya, shesss so pretty

by Jay_jay_15 November 12, 2020