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The word that angry French artists shout when they screw up their artwork.

Oh croissant, my paint smeared!

by sidney.shrek November 16, 2017

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Look at the Now

Focus on the present, don't dwell on the past or future.

Dude, stop thinking about last night and just look at the now.

by sidney.shrek October 17, 2017

Squeaky as a Button

The phrase you use when someone is both clean and cute.

Gracie, you’re lookin squeaky as a button today!

by sidney.shrek November 16, 2017

Swamp Club

A certain club that Shrek lovers are a part of. The club most commonly revolves around the "Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life" video series. On Fridays, all involved club members must wear their "swamp club outfits," aka a lazy day outfit with sweatpants.

Awe c'mon Mark, it's Friday! Where's your Swamp Club outfit?

by sidney.shrek October 19, 2017