A bright and outgoing male on the shorter side, who occasionally does crazy impulsive things. Also this male loves money and is friends with golden retriever boys and owns a worldwide organization. This male recently lost 2 roadtrip buddies and is currently looking for replacements, although no-one can replace these 2 buddies he will have to make due with what he can get. Also even though this male isn't so tall he still attracts crowds of women whom he can't get away from even if he tried.
Kritch is the GOAT! Who doesn't love him?
A male who is extremely hot and although not so tall is still very attractive. This male is also known as "cowboy hat guy" and is smart and usually doesn't give a crap what others think. Kritchboy LOVES rodeos
with KARNY creede and voodoo.
Everyone wishes they were like him. EVEN YOU, YES YOU READING THIS.
Kritchboy wants voodoo. Kritchboy is gods gift to humanity. Kritchboy is not a narcissist. Kritchboy is going on a roadtrip by himself this summer.
A young mostly crazy boy seeking a girl to go on road trips with...
I love kritchy. Kritchy is hot.